How Long Will My Dog Stay Cool?

The longevity is dependent on variety of factors such as climate, size of the dog, and how often the dog is using the bed. CryoMAX large cold packs have been tested by a 3rd party to last up to 12 hours as long as the cold packs stay within a temperate range.

How Long Do The Cold Packs Need To Stay In The Freezer?

Freeze the CryoMAX ® Large inserts for at least 6 hours.

How Do I Clean My Dog Bed?

Clean with a damp cloth as needed and air dry

Is There A Weight LimitFor The Dog Bed When The CryoMAX ® Inside The Bed?

No, there is no weight limit.

Can I Buy More Cryomax ®Large Inserts For The Bed?

Yes, you can purchase more CryoMAX ® here: